International Scientific Unity

1 International Scientific and Practical Conference

Global Trends in the Development of Information Technology and Science

Venue: Stockholm, Sweden

Date: January 8-10, 2025.

Form of participation: correspondence

Official language: English

Language of writing: English, Ukrainian, other EU languages

Титульна сторінка збірника наукових праць міжнародної наукової конференції "Global Trends in the Development of Information Technology and Science" Стокгольм, Швеція

Recommended citation (example):
Kalyuzhna N. Cointegration of bilateral trade indicators as evidence of the feasibility of integrating asymmetric partners. Proceedings of the 1 International Scientific and Practical Conference “Global Trends in the Development of Information Technology and Science”. Stockholm, Sweden. 2025. 100-101. URL:

ISBN: 979-8-89704-992-9 (series)

The collection of Scientific Papers includes the materials of the 1st International scientific and practical conference “Global Trends in the Development of Information Technology and Science”, which took place on January 8-10, 2025 (Stockholm, Sweden). The international conference was attended by teachers, students of higher education, doctoral students, post-graduate students from various institutions of higher education and scientific institutions. In the collection of scientific papers, scientific materials (theses and articles) based on the materials of the conference were published.

All participants received a free personal electronic certificate certifying participation in the scientific and practical conference (0.8 ECTS credits). If you wish, you can get a paper version of the certificate with a wet seal and signature.

The topic of the conference is multidisciplinary. The scientific conference covers a wide range of topics: technical, economic, humanitarian, physical and mathematical sciences, medicine, jurisprudence, etc.

The materials of the collection of scientific works are presented in the author’s edition and printed in the original language. The authors of the published materials are fully responsible for the authenticity of the given facts, proper names, geographical names, quotations, economic and statistical data, industry terminology and other information.

The conference materials are publicly available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).