International Scientific Unity

Requirements for registration of articles:

1. Number of authors: No more than four.
2. The recommended length of abstracts of the report: from 2 to 6 pages (the terms of publication of a larger number of pages are discussed with the editors).
3. Language: English, Ukrainian and other languages
4. File format: .doc or .docx
5. Page orientation: portrait.
6. Font: Times New Roman. Size: 14 pt. Paragraph: 1 cm. Spacing: single.
7. At the beginning of abstracts, it is necessary to indicate (in red font):
– name of the conference;
– section (required).
8. Title of the article: size 18, CAPITAL LETTERS, font – bold, center alignment.
9. Information about the authors:
– Name of the author(s): font size 14, font – semi-bold, alignment on the right edge;
– academic degree, academic rank, position: size 14, alignment on the right edge;
– place of work or study: size – 14, alignment on the right edge;
– e-mail of the author(s): size – 14, alignment on the right edge.
10. Margins: left/right, top/bottom – 2 cm;
11. Tables: signature of the name above the table, size – 12, spacing – single, alignment on the left edge.
12. Pictures: must be grouped into a single graphic object, name signature under the picture, size – 12, spacing – single, center alignment.
13. Formulas: printed in the MS Word editor and numbered on the right side.
14. List of used sources: drawn up in accordance with the requirements of ДСТУ 8302:2015 or in APA style.
An example of design of the list of used sources
in APA style
for books: Author(s). (Year). The title of the book. Publishing house.
for journals: Author(s). (Year). Title of the article. Name of the magazine, Volume (Number), pages. DOI or URL (if available).
for internet link: Author(s). (Year). Name of the page or document. The name of the website. URL
according to ДСТУ 8302:2015
for books: Author. Title / Author(s). – Place of publication: Publishing house, year. – Number of pages.
for magazines: Author. Title of the article / Author(s) // Name of the journal. – Year. – Volume (Number). – Pages.
for internet link: Author. Title [Electronic Resource] / Author(s) // Website Name. – Access mode: URL (access date).
15. Plagiarism: Scientific works of uniqueness, which must be at least 60%, are accepted for collections.

Requirements for articles submission:

article1. Preparing an email:
– indicate the name of the conference in the subject of the letter;
– attach 2 files to the letter (theses and organizational fee)
2. File Name: Article_Name and Organizational fee_Name.
3. E-mail submission: Please send documents and e-mail, completed according to the requirements, to

The collection of conference materials and participant’s certificate can be viewed and downloaded in the Archive tab. If you need a paper version of the certificate with a wet seal and signature, contact the email address The cost of producing a paper version of the certificate is not included in the cost of the organizational fee and is $2.

Dear participants of the conference, please note that letters sent to you from the editorial office may end up in the Spam folder. Therefore, while waiting for a response from the editors, please check your Spam folder.